
Sectors that Paytriot work with and the services we can provide them. For more information on these please contact the team and we will make sure to be in touch to help and onboard you.

    • Merchant account /
    • UK /
    • Footwear


    By 2023, the worldwide footwear industry is expected to produce $320.44 billion. Different contexts, such as workplace attire or athletic occasions, necessitate different styles of footwear, and prices can range from £60 to £300. Large footwear retailers such as Footlocker and JD have adapted to accept payments online and over the phone. Paytriot offers merchant services at reasonable rates, as well as access to a payment site and 3D secure to prevent fraudulent payments.

    • Merchant account /
    • UK /
    • Circus


    Circuses draw people of all ages and cultures with their unique performances and attractions, generating millions of dollars in ticket sales. Paytriot Payments provides merchant services such as payment processing for debit and credit cards as well as fraud protection, ensuring the safety and security of circus businesses. With the growing popularity of online ticket sales, Paytriot Payments can assist businesses in getting a merchant account.

Accept payments with Paytriot