
Circus, credit card processing and payment gateway.
Circuses can attract any person no matter what they age, gender or culture is. They can also attract tourists to come and visit the most popular and the most talked about circuses. Circuses attract customers by doing shows that people have never seen before. There are many different roles within a circus, and they vary, for example there are performers who perform in the show, salesmen who sell tickets at the booth at the entrance and arcade game directors also.
Some of the most famous circuses in the UK can generate millions just from ticket sales. Blackpool tower circus can charge up to £54 for a family of 4 to go. Blackpool is a famous holiday spot in the UK and whilst on holiday, you can visit the famous Blackpool tower circus.
Circuses are great places where memories can be formed. Arcade games are another way in which the circus can attract customers as the prizes can be outstanding from the low prices you pay to enter.
People nowadays tend to book these tickets online since tickets could run out at the ticket booth. Due to the fact that you can now order tickets online, ticket sales have increased in the past few years. Families can book online or over the phone.
At Paytriot Payments we can provide our merchant services to circuses. We will offer you a merchant account. We offer payment processing for debit and credit cards for both Visa and MasterCard. Customer details are protected, and all fraudulent transactions are completely blocked, so this will give your business safety and security.
If you are interested then please contact us over the phone and our friendly team of account managers or administrators will guide through the set up process.
Paytriot Payments is a UK based payment provider that provides merchant services to businesses looking to accept payments online or over the phone based in the UK and Europe. Paytriot is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom and is listed with Visa and MasterCard to process card payments directly.
Our team have gained years of experience in multiple sectors in the industry and would be able to fully understand your business model whether your business sector is in a complex low risk or high-risk industry.